Give the Gift of Prevention this Holiday Season
T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a louse.
Lice Clinics of America – Portland, Clackamas, Vancouver, Salem and Bend have some great ideas for stocking stuffers for parents to make sure no louse is stirring at your home during the holidays and beyond: head lice prevention products.
“You would be surprised how many people give these products as gifts to their friends and family,” said Mark Meyer, owner of Lice Clinics of America Portland, Clackamas, Vancouver, Salem and Bend. “Once someone has gone through a struggle with head lice, they appreciate the value of preventive products.”
The clinics offer preventive products that include shampoos, sprays, and conditioners that work as a lice repellent. The holidays are a peak time for head lice as kids are out of school and spending time with family and friends. The gift of lice prevention products can help ensure children return to school lice-free.
“These products can be used daily or weekly,” Mark said. “They work by emitting an odor that is unnoticeable to humans but repulsive to lice.”
The products are all non-toxic—an important distinction as many traditional lice products use pesticides as their active ingredients. Pyrethroids, the class of pesticides used by traditional head lice products, have been linked to developmental and behavioral problems in children.
“All our products are pesticide-free—we wouldn’t have it any other way,” Mark said.
“Parents scoop these products up after we treat their family for head lice,” Mark said. “They know that the best way to treat head lice is to prevent them from getting into your hair in the first place.”
Mark also wants you to know that if you do get head lice, a cure for the condition is just one treatment away. Lice Clinics of America – Portland, Clackamas, Vancouver, Salem and Bend are the area’s exclusive provider of treatment using the revolutionary AirAllé® device. AirAllé is a Class I medical device clinically shown to kill live lice and more than 99 percent of eggs using heated air to dehydrate the bugs. Most treatments take about an hour and we provide a 30-day guarantee.
“If you do find head lice in your family, we guarantee you’ll leave our clinic lice-free in about an hour,” Mark said. The AirAllé device has treated more than 1 million cases of head lice throughout the world with a success rate better than 99 percent. We have the only fast, safe, and effective lice treatment,” Mark said.
With Lice Clinics of America preventive products, when hanging your stockings with care, you can be sure there will be no lice in your hair!
To learn more about Lice Clinics of America – Portland, Clackamas, Vancouver, Salem and Bend and its products, or to schedule an appointment, visit , email , or call 503-404-0475.